As She Crosses

Sometimes, you would be lucky.
While in Jim Corbett,Dikhala, every day morning and evening Tigress Parwali would cross the pool from one end to the other.Parwali always kept the timings.She wont be late for the show.


It was a delight to watch her walking from a distance,slowly crossing the Jeeps ,ignoring all the men or women,the hundereds of eyes watching her and move across other end.As she crosses,the choas stops.

There is a meditative silence.Like a prayer bell, frenzied shutter sounds are heard all over

Indian Red Snail

Indian Red Snail,While crossing a stream.


A Tribute to Usain Bolt’s winning spree.

Usain Bolt finished 100mts in 9.81 sec,Snail would take approximately 2 hours to reach the same distance.

This slowness along with the other factors like loss of forest habitat,usage of pesticides,new roads being built have reduced survival chances for Land Snails.

Interestingly,Snails are used in facial massage.The movement of snails over the face supposed to soften skin,reduce wrinkles by triggering anti-ageing hormones of your body.If you are worried about your wrinkles,try this out.